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GSR Healing Arts--Self-care  IS the Revolution:
Gentle Souls, you may be wondering how to reclaim, or claim authentic self for the first time--what it means. It begins with caring for yourself, first.

These practices are counterintuitive, but here they are:
Honoring yourself, as you are. Protecting your gifts, fiercely. Value your boundaries & needs by guarding your time. 

After my cult misadventure, I thought, "No one will protect me, if I don't."  I vowed, never again. My heart calmed. My mind cleared. My authentic voice returned with some choice words for the cult, and with my voice, my authentic identity. The more that I spoke out, the better I felt.  

Today, my creativity, empathy and my pinball brain fuel my work as a therapist. Those "vulnerabilities" became strengths when I valued and protected them. You, Gentle Soul, have your version of personal reclamation. I would be honored to facilitate you in your journey to self-empowerment.  

For more information:



Text or voicemail: (781) 951-4433


Insurances: I take Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna; Cigna; UnitedHealthcare.

Licensed in MA. 


 Private Rate: $135.00 hour.



Client endorsement: "I feel like you really want me to succeed. Your support is so helpful!" F.F. 

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